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Life in the fast lane

I went to the swimming pool on the weekend.

There are two lanes; the fast lane, and the slow lane. I've been a swimmer all my life, but I'd never say I was competitive, or had particularly good technique. I am a slow lane swimmer.

But as I looked at the signs, something in me jarred. Why did I always choose the slow lane? Why didn't I give the fast lane a go? What really was the worst that could happen?

Inspired by this new line of curiosity (and thinking there could be a potential blog post out of whatever embarrassing experience awaited me), I ducked under the barrier and started swimming in the fast lane.

I discovered that I can swim faster than I thought I could. I discovered that no one was overtaking me and I had no awful embarrassing moments. I discovered that like with so many things in my life, I impose my own self limits with no real reason to do so.

When I take a moment to push myself out of my comfort zone, I discover that I can be better than I think I am at something.

Perhaps I am someone who can live life in the fast lane after all.


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I'm Anna Dyson.

I'm a wisdom seeking, free spirited, curious jewish woman, experimenting with ideas, reflecting and braving putting my thoughts out there in this blog.


I don't know where this will take me, I just feel this is right for me right now, and thank you for joining me on my journey. 


Please comment on, and share my posts - who knows - maybe you are the signpost to the next path I should take... 


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