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Getting off the treadmill

Every Tuesday morning at 8:15am, a little over three months ago, my friend, colleague and mentor Gillian Holding and I decided to launch a short 10 minute Facebook live video on our SoulBalance projects' page.

This morning I was flustered. I knew I was solo as Gillian has an art exhibition this week in London ( go Gillian! ) and I thought I had a vague idea of what I was going to do, but at 8:13 when I was still rushing around the kitchen tidying up the debris of the family breakfast, all soul balancing thoughts escaped me and I knew I was just going to have to wing it.

I grabbed my siddur and machzor (two different Jewish prayerbooks), and my phone and hastily found a spot, set my phone up against a plant pot and began the recording.

To say I was flustered was an understatement, and the irony of our project, being about balancing our inner selves, did not escape me.

But that's when I realised and was so grateful for this now regular routine in my life.

I invited the audience, and myself, to take a few deep breaths. It really is truly remarkable; how this simple exercise can work such magic.




A moment to get off the treadmill of the day, a moment to pause, and a moment to reflect.

It's as if I was able to press a reset button, and I am truly grateful for this practice and feel much more ready now for the day ahead.

Please follow @soulbalance on social media, and you can see the recording from this morning here


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I'm Anna Dyson.

I'm a wisdom seeking, free spirited, curious jewish woman, experimenting with ideas, reflecting and braving putting my thoughts out there in this blog.


I don't know where this will take me, I just feel this is right for me right now, and thank you for joining me on my journey. 


Please comment on, and share my posts - who knows - maybe you are the signpost to the next path I should take... 


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