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Jewish Adult Education

I have been trained in, and run a variety of different Jewish adult education classes, and created a few over the years too! Group sizes are ideally 8-12 people.


Please do be in touch with me if you'd like me to teach in your synagogue, you have a group of friends who'd be interested,  or any other setting; I'd be delighted!

Siddur Hebrew Improvers

We can take a look at some of the key prayers in our prayer books (siddurim) and practice the Hebrew, understand some of the vocabulary and discuss its relevance for us today.


This is the most flexible course - you can decide how often, and how many sessions!


The Shema - Let Loose

We look deeply at the Shema and how it provides us with everything we need to stay mindful, focussed, and with good intentions. 

Participants will leave with a greater appreciation of this core text, as well as improved fluency in reading the Hebrew too.


4 x 1.5 hour sessions

Torah L'Am

This UJIA initiative, designed by Dr Raphael Zarum, enables participants to understand Torah through different frameworks, leading to a simple way to understand and dive deep into any piece of Torah text.

The course is designed so that by the end, all participants have written and presented a short Dvar Torah - teaching on Torah.

Perfect for anyone who'd love to improve their Torah knowledge, and share it with others.


8 x 2 hour sessions 



Mussar is ancient Jewish mindfulness and practice that feels so contemporary and desperately needed in today's world. 


Learn about the basic Mussar ideas and way of practicing, looking at some key middot (soul traits) and how we can easily and practicalby apply Mussar ideas into our daily life and feel more centred, focussed and ready for life's challenges.


minimum 6 sessions, (option to continue as a longer term Mussar study group) 1.5 hours each

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